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How to Avoid Death on a Daily Basis

How to Avoid Death on a Daily Basis

How to Avoid Death on a Daily Basis

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7 months ago
What if you were transported to a fantasy world with no special abilities, no OP weapons and no... Read more What if you were transported to a fantasy world with no special abilities, no OP weapons and no status screen to boost your stats? Never mind finding the dragon’s treasure or defeating the Demon Lord, you only need to worry about one thing—how to stay alive.A group of young Brits wake up in a strange, fantastical land with creatures from myth and legend. They are given archaic weapons they don't know how to use and told to do their best.Convinced it has to be some kind of virtual reality RPG, all the people summoned form parties and set off on their adventures, leaving behind the people nobody wants in their group.Story of my life, thinks Colin. Collapse Antihero Protagonist, LitRPG, Sword And Magic, Male Protagonist, Transported to Another World, Monsters, Fantasy Creatures, Weak to Strong A wonderfully terrible parody of what I can only describe as an insufferable redditor. Why are people saying the story is bad?Compared to Xianxia or anything Chinese, this is a treasure!The world is coherent and realistic, the main character does not have a differential neither in appearance nor in power.All transmigrants are normis, their only difference being beauty and personality, and they do not arrive in the new world as gods descending from the clouds to be worshiped by the believing masses.Everyone starts out weak and oblivious to the danger around them, but what makes the MC interesting is that he acts to improve his precarious situation rather than just looking up at the sky and muttering that life is hard.It has no system, gamer mind or gamer body.We clearly see their insecurity about the future, their fears of failure, and their humanity.The only thing that bothers me is that the text is written in first person POV, but other than that I found it quite interesting.Imagine the following:[A bunch of dysfunctional youths are isekai'ed and combine the useful with the pleasant to survive in a hostile foreign land.]Also, the central characters develop well, not like the bots we see lately, they are flawed and learn prematurely that their failures at one time or another will jeopardize their safety.The protagonist is not the cliché hero who puts himself in risky situations just because he can...................................Por que o pessoal está dizendo que a história é ruim?Comparado com Xianxia ou qualquer coisa chinesa, isso é um tesouro!O mundo é coerente e realista, o personagem principal não tem um diferencial nem na aparência nem no poder. Todos os transmigrados são normis sua única diferença sendo a beleza e a personalidade, e não chegam ao novo mundo como deuses descendo as nuvens para ser venerados pelas massas crentes.Todos começam fracos e alheio do perigo ao redor, mas o que torna o MC interessante é fato de ele agir para melhorar sua situação precária ao invés de apenas olhar para o céu e murmurar que a vida é dura.Não tem sistema, mente gamer ou corpo gamer. Vemos claramente sua insegurança quanto ao futuro, seus medos de falhar e sua humanidade.A única coisa que me incomoda é que o texto está escrito em POV em primeira pessoa, mas fora isso achei bem interessante. Imagine o seguinte:[Um bando de jovens disfuncionais são isekai'ed e combinam o útil com o agradável para sobreviver em uma terra estrangeira hostil.]Além disso, os personagens centrais se desenvolvem bem, não como os bots que vemos ultimamente, eles são falhos e aprendem prematuramente que suas falhas em um momento ou outro prejudicarão sua segurança.O protagonista não é o herói clichê que se coloca em situações de risco só porque pode. This Novel Is Still Being Updated?...I Was Reading This On Scribble Hub And It Was So Bad..Am Surprised It Still Going On Why would anyone want to read this. Beyond trash is it that bad ? Trust me it is. You can try it to see for yourself thank you, i will try it first. And? i just read a few chapter. maybe until 8 or 9? i forgot.nothing interesting. thanks your welcome.